Re: [AD] build process overhaul

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I like this. Later we can maybe even have "import sse", and a
"checks/" which has the check function, or something like that.

I havent done this yet, but I will.

Right now you can see some checks in unix.scons, which also writes out include/allegro/platform/alunixac.h. It will take me forever and a day to complete the configure checks so for now I just copy/pasted my alunixac.h into unix.scons so if you have something different youll need to hack that file.

Heh. Just imagine the people who wrote the original checks in M4
instead :)
Most of the checks are done, there are about 6 left.

This latest version of the scripts correctly build 4.3( on unix ) and the examples, a mildly useful milestone in the evolution of the new build system.

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