Re: [AD] build process overhaul

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On Tue, 2005-12-27 at 19:33 -0500, Jon Rafkind wrote:
> >
> No problem. Are you or anyone else familiar with all the stuff in the 
> misc/ directory? I know is for unix but Im not sure of other 
> platforms.


> grep -rI plugins.h misc | grep -v .svn
misc/^.*cat tools.*msvc.plugins.h/copy \/B tools\\\\plugins\
\\\*.inc obj\\\\msvc\\\\plugins.h/
misc/ Special rule to create the plugins.h file
misc/ "\$(OBJDIR)/plugins.h: $inc_files"
misc/ "  cat $inc_files > \$(OBJDIR)/plugins.h"

I assume, removing the obj dir everywhere should do the trick.

[Oh, btw, does anybody know if there is a good way to make grep not
include .svn dirs with the -r switch?]

> On a side note, there is a ton of stuff in misc/. It looks more like a 
> tmp/ directory than anything else..

Well, it's a "misc" directory. I.e. all the stuff that's needed but has
no better place is in there. Maybe once the wiki is writeable again, we
can make a page which tells what which files are good for.

Elias Pschernig

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