Re: [AD] ChangeLogs on website?

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On 2005-11-18, Grzegorz Adam Hankiewicz <gradha@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hmm... not really. Snapshots are made/uploaded by Stepan's crons. The
> web build script only checks if the files in the directory have
> changed and embeds their listing into the CVS page. Which reminds
> me we should be using SF's snapshot tool instead.

Yes, it seems to be against their policies.

> I can run them, but there's no cvs2cl script on SF. I wonder if it's
> because people used to abuse it? If you manage to get it working
> tell me the line and I'll add it to my list.

I have checked out a copy of the CVS tree in
/home/groups/a/al/alleg/cvs_allegro_checkout and put a copy of
in there.  The lines I posted previously work.  I think you have to do
cvs update -r new_api_branch or cvs update -A to select the right branch

We can generate nicer (HTML) output by using the cvs2cl XML output and
xsltproc.  I haven't tried it on the SF servers yet, and the output for
the trunk changelog is 1.6MB without any trimming, so I suggest leaving
that for later.


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