Re: [AD] ChangeLogs on website?

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On Wed, 2005-11-16 at 00:38 +1100, Peter Wang wrote:
> Would it be hard to show up-to-date ChangeLogs on the web site?  I was
> thinking we could just have a cron job that runs nightly to
> create logs for the trunk and new_api_branch.  Not everyone has access
> to CVS or, and it would make our process more transparent.
> It would be convenient for us, too.
> I would use the command:
> -F *BRANCH* --no-ancestors -P -T -b -S
> where *BRANCH* is either "trunk" or "new_api_branch".
> Maybe something needs to be done about the size of the generated "trunk"
> ChangeLog, though, as it is almost half a meg.

I wonder if there's a way to only re-create the logs from the last day
from the cron-job instead of the whole. cvs2cl runs like half an hour
for me locally - but I guess it is no problem on SF, which has direct
access to the cvs repository.

Anyway, I like the idea. Is there something like group crontabs where to
put it? Else, simply put the above into your personal crontab on SF,
directing the output to /home/groups/a/al/alleg/htdocs/changelog.html or

Elias Pschernig

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