[AD] Finishing up 4.2 for RC1

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I could probably manage to do a release this monday (the 8th), otherwise 
it'll be on the 15th.
I'd like to make the first deadline, but I'm not sure it's realistic. I 
think there have been a few important fixes lately but it would be great 
if someone could go through the todo list and remove the items that have 
been resolved.

- Investigate video bitmap problems reported in 

No idea about this one. Did anyone look into this yet?

- Investigate mouse problem reported in 
- Mouse problems in Windows reported in 

I think I remember that those have been fixed.

- Make the grabber (try to) use system cursors

Not done yet, I think. Should be easy enough.

- Purge main docs of DOSisms if that hasn't been done already

Ditto, but requires some more time perhaps.

- Check if the examples correctly demonstrate new features since 4.0, eg
   - mouse cursors
   - custom packfiles
   - custom font loading

I think this is ok.

- some gcc 4.0 fixes for DJGPP and MinGW need to be applied

This one's done

- some remaining problem with keyboards in Windows

Any thoughts?

- configure/OSS detection problems on Solaris

Needs to be done, but I think it was clear how to fix this even if there 
wasn't a full patch.

- guilt's patches

Not sure I remember what this refers to...
Note to self: make descriptive todo entries.

- settings CFLAGS from configure, as per gentoo bug

Not sure we can fix this without help, at least not in a timely fashion.
Not that I personally have much of a problem with how it is now...

- grabber.txt was moved, so the grabber can't find it anymore

Was a patch for this, but I think it needs some tweaking still

- improved demo

Sitting on my harddisk for review (that is, Thomas Harte's demo); I'll 
upload it somewhere and send the link so everyone can check it out.
It will want a good indent/sed session to make it follow Allegro's naming 

- MacOS X problems with grabber, 


- OSS requires -lossaudio in OpenBSD
- OSS MIDI doesn't work on OpenBSD; make it work or fix detection in 

How about these?

- disallow ModeX and VBE/AF drivers in C-only Linux console port
  (at least the bank switcher for the ModeX driver is in asm so has 
  calling conventions than expected in the C port)

Done, I think? If not, it shouldn't be hard to do...


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