Re: [AD] Finishing up 4.2 for RC1

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On Thursday 04 August 2005 22:25, Evert Glebbeek wrote:
> I could probably manage to do a release this monday (the 8th), otherwise 
> it'll be on the 15th.

I'm currently uploading the packages to
I'll probably upload them to source forge later tonight, which means in a 
few hours. Unless it is felt that a longer `incubation period' is more 
appropriate, in which case someone else will have to do it as I'll be away 
for the week.
If any problems are found with the release (but I don't expect any, since 
the list of changes from beta 4 is quite small), it will need to be 
delayed in any case.
Are we supposed to do a binary release for release candidates? If so, 
someone else should probably do that too. Personally, I think we'll only 
have to do that for the final release.


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