Re: [AD] Finishing up 4.2 for RC1

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On Monday, August 8, 2005, at 10:18  pm, Evert Glebbeek wrote:

On Monday 08 August 2005 20:30, Peter Hull wrote:
I'd say we should try, since making a binary package can easily go wrong
(forgotten files etc) so it's one thing we should 'practice' with the

Ok, that's a good reason. I can't do this myself (except for 64 bit Linux, which probably isn't a bright idea in the first place), so I'll leave that
to you guys to finish up. :)

OK, I've made an installer package for OSX. I just included the unix-style stuff (library in /usr/local/lib, includes in /usr/local/include) The Mac-style Framework doesn't need an installer, it's just drag-and-drop into the /Library/Frameworks folder. I'll package that one up later.

What do you want me to do with it ?(IIRC, the sourceforge anonymous FTP system deletes files over 24 hours old that haven't been claimed, i.e. added to a project's file release)

The Windows versions have already been made by Matthew and linked on, just Linux & DOS now is it?


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