[AD] BCC32 broken under Beta 4

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I ran across three problems when building Beta 4 with BCC32.

1. It chokes on the fixmul #ifdefs. I'm not sure why, but when I put
the entire AL_INLINE function inside the #ifdefs it works. Perhaps it
has something to do with how the borland AL_INLINE gets expanded? The
attached patch corrects the problem.

2. It doesn't like a line in grabber.c, namely the list_getter function.

@@ -3625,7 +3526,7 @@ int datedit_select(AL_CONST char *(*list
-      { d_list_proc,       28,   24,   161,  50,   0,    0,    0,    
  0,          0,             0,      
(int(*)(int,DIALOG*,int))list_getter,         NULL, NULL  },
+      { d_list_proc,       28,   24,   161,  50,   0,    0,    0,    
  0,          0,             0,       NULL,         NULL, NULL  },

When I change it to NULL, it compiles. I'm not familiar with BCC32, so
I don't know how to fix it.

3. The grabber doesn't build in debug mode:

tlib lib\bcc32\addat.lib + obj\bcc32\alld\datedit.obj
TLIB 4.5 Copyright (c) 1987, 1999 Inprise Corporation
tlib lib\bcc32\addat.lib + obj\bcc32\alld\datworms.obj
TLIB 4.5 Copyright (c) 1987, 1999 Inprise Corporation
Warning: 'obj\bcc32\alld\datworms.obj' file not found
Warning: library was too large for page size, rebuilt with page size 16
Warning: results are safe in file 'lib\bcc32\libtmp0k.o20'
DOS-reported error: Permission denied
renaming 'lib\bcc32\addat.lib' to 'lib\bcc32\addat.BAK'
mingw32-make: *** [lib/bcc32/addat.lib] Error 1

datworms.obj actually does get created. When running make again:

Compiling Allegro for BCC32, debugging. Please wait...
bcc32 -DDEBUGMODE=1 -w-8060 -Od -q -R -v -W -I. -I./include -c -oobj\bcc32\alld\
dat2s.obj tools\dat2s.c
ilink32 -q -Gn -v -ap -Tpe c0x32 obj\bcc32\alld\dat2s.obj,tools\dat2s.exe,,lib\b
cc32\alld.lib lib\bcc32\addat.lib cw32 import32
Error: Unresolved external '_datworms_menu' referenced from C:\CODE\ALLEGRO\LIB\
mingw32-make: *** [tools/dat2s.exe] Error 2

If the worms plug-in is deleted, then it works.

Matthew Leverton

Attachment: fmaths.inl.diff
Description: Binary data

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