Re: [AD] MSVC 8 cl flags

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On Saturday 20 August 2005 02:31 am, Michal Molhanec wrote:
> Oh, come on, these functions exists for so long that I doubt they are
> buggy.

Windows has been around for a while, too. This is Microsoft we're talking 
about. They're not exactly top-notch when it comes to writing code. By the 
same token, most people aren't.. which is why it's foolish to assume 
something's bug-free just because it's been around for a while. Things 
continuously get fixed and enhanced (which introduce bugs which get fixed, 

> But not because they are Windows specific, but because MS
> thinks that using them leads to less buggy code.

I haven't yet seen anything that is any more useful than what you can already 
do with existing functions. And even assuming you're right, this'll encourage 
people to falsely rely on the system to provide error checking instead of 
writing proper code to begin with.

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