Re: [AD] namespace conflict with curses

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On 2005-08-20, Evert Glebbeek <eglebbk@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> > Patch attached.  Do you think it's worth mentioning in api._tx that
> > taking the addresses of hline/vline from different C files is going to
> > result in different addresses?
> That's true of other inline functions as well, isn't it? Quite frankly, I 
> don't see how it would matter.

Right, unless you set out to find it you're unlikely to notice.

> By the way, I see you added a new AL_ALIAS() construct... perhaps we could 
> use that for some other functions which are aliased as well?

Are there any others?  I pulled AL_ALIAS out from alcompat.h where it
was used for the fadd, etc.  When this patch goes in, the definition from
alcompat.h can go.


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