Re: [AD] Allegro 4.2.0 RC1 timetable

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On Saturday 04 June 2005 12:14, Elias Pschernig wrote:
> >  - configure/detection problems on Solaris
> > (does the compile farm have a Solaris machine to test?)
> Yes. "ssh" should get you there :) (But I forgot how to check
> out Allegro there, I think you need to use a special address for the cvs
> server.)

I'll check it out.

> What about my split demo? It's all ready to be committed, but somehow I
> want an ok first :)

Hmm... I'm tempted to say `wait one more week after RC1 is out, then 
apply', the reason being to give people one *final* possibility to submit 
something different.
In practice, you're probably safe though.

> Hm, I sent a patch for rest() yesterday, so I can take the timer
> section. And the keyboard section, I was to update the keyboard.dat info
> in there anyway. Heh, I guess that's about 1% of the docs :)

Every little helps.

> It would be nice to have a binary for sure. If all else fails, I could
> try to do a cross-compiled one..

I can always do a MinGW one by dropping into Windows, or do you have MSVC 
running in Linux?
Hmm... actually, either way it would be convenient if someone else builds 
the binary package. ;)


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