Re: [AD] Issues when building MSVC Allegro using Cygwin

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Daniel Schlyder wrote:
Andrei Ellman:
The only thing I can think of is to only support building with UNIX_TOOLS=1 in MSYS, and only support building without UNIX_TOOLS set in MinGW.

I had presumed that was already the case. :/

I don't keep an eye out for MinGW and MSYS, so that probably may be the case already.
It should be mentioned in the docs if it isn't

Attached is a proposed patch that avoids using Make's wildcard function;
instead using helper scripts to create the directories.

I'm pleased to announce that this fixes the problem. I tested it on the following combinations of environments, compilers, and UNIX_TOOLS. In all cases, the result was a success.

Environment Compiler UNIX_TOOLS
Cygwin       MinGW     1
Cygwin       MSVC6     1
DJGPP        DJGPP     0 (*)
DJGPP        DJGPP     1
DJGPP        MSVC6     0 (*)
DJGPP        MSVC6     1

(*) Note that when I tested it in DJGPP without the environment variable UNIX_TOOLS, I still had the actual unix tools installed in my DJGPP/bin directory.


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