Re: [AD] Issues when building MSVC Allegro using Cygwin

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Daniel Schlyder wrote:

My results:

Environment    Make version    UNIX_TOOLS    Result
MinGW          3.80            0             success
MinGW          3.80            1             command syntax error
MinGW/MSYS     3.79.1          0             file exists error [1]
MinGW/MSYS     3.79.1          1             success

This doesn't make sense to me. :(

[1] Also, note that created dirs are "c:/progra~1foo" and

After some experimentation with the various mkdirs, this makes sense.

It appears that when mkdir in MinGW without MSYS is called, it is callig the DOS mkdir command, and when MSYS is installed, it is calling the UNIX mkdir command.

I've done some research of my own, and in DOS (both W98SE and W2K DOSboxes), DOS's mkdir is called when invoked from the command-line - even if DJGPP's mkdir.exe is in the searchpath. However, the makefile calls DJGPP's mkdir if it's installed.

DOS's mkdir is completely intollerant of forward-slashes and gives one of these two errors: "Invalid switch - /BAR" or "The syntax of the command is incorrect"

DJGPP's mkdir (which can be invoked from the command-line by renaming mkdir.exe) can handle both forward-slashes and backslashes.

However, Cygwin's mkdir is a different story. As you would expect with a UNIX utility, forward slashes work OK, but with backslashes, the directories are appended to make a single name eg. 'mkdir foo\bar' creates a directory called 'foobar'. This is because it is treating the backslash as an escape character, and '\b' translates to 'b'.

From the behaviour you've shown above, it appears that MSYS's mkdir command behaves like Cygwin's, and not DJGPP's.

I think that in MinGW without MSYS, we should only support building without UNIX_TOOLS, and with MSYS installed, only support building with UNIX_TOOLS. In Cygwin, only building with UNIX_TOOLS is supported. DJGPP appears to be able to handle both.


PS. Did you get the other e-mail I sent where I stated that the patch for did not fix the installation problem? The AD mailing-list seems to be suffering from indigestion again.

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