exunicod (was: Re: [AD] Re: Alleg-developers digest, Vol 1 #948 - 9 msgs)

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Elias Pschernig wrote:
On Wed, 2005-03-23 at 16:57 +0100, Wackonet Mailbag Default account

While on the subject of exunicod, could we transliterate 'Allegro' into the foreign alphabet, or should it be in the Roman alphabet for all languages?

I think it makes more sense to transliterate it. The current way also is
bad if there's a language where you can't simply put the word "Allegro"
to the end. I guess the reason why it was done is to show the
capabilities of Allegro's unicode routines though.. so in light of that,
I think it makes sense to leave it the way it is and show how to use

Good point about showing off the capabilities of Allegro's unicode routines. However, in Japanese, there is a separate alphabet that is used for writing foreign words. Perhaps Allegro can be tranliterated to that alphabet for the Japanese text.


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