Re: [AD] Re: Alleg-developers digest, Vol 1 #948 - 9 msgs

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On Wed, 2005-03-23 at 16:57 +0100, Wackonet Mailbag Default account
> We could either wait for one language to disappear before another 
> language appears on the line, or we could have two or more languages on 
> the line at once. The choice depends on how much clutter this causes. 
> Also, the scrolling-speed could be proportional to the number of 
> languages on each line.

My patch should already take care of it. It does nothing to give special
priority to non-ASCII languages.. but I guess that's not a problem. We
just need to put in enough languages.

> While on the subject of exunicod, could we transliterate 'Allegro' into 
> the foreign alphabet, or should it be in the Roman alphabet for all 
> languages?

I think it makes more sense to transliterate it. The current way also is
bad if there's a language where you can't simply put the word "Allegro"
to the end. I guess the reason why it was done is to show the
capabilities of Allegro's unicode routines though.. so in light of that,
I think it makes sense to leave it the way it is and show how to use

Elias Pschernig

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