Re: [AD] giftware license

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Elias Pschernig wrote:

On Sat, 16 Oct 2004 22:05:51 +0100, Grzegorz Adam Hankiewicz
<gradha@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Commited with very small cosmetic changes.

Thanks. I just noticed, I forgot the faq._tx in that patch. I lost the
faq._tx with the latest changes by now, but I applied a version now
based on the last patch posted here and adding the changes mentioned
in this thread.

I also tried to synchronize the online version, so it can be seen here

The Allegro licence is absolutely clear unless you are a a lawyer. However it's written quite informal so this mini-FAQ tries to clarify some things.

change to:
The Allegro licence is absolutely clear unless you are a lawyer. However, it's written quite informally so this mini-FAQ tries to clarify some things.

compatible _with_: "It clearly is compatible to all the points in the OSD"

"You can modify Allegro and distribute the modified Allegro under any licence you want, *but the original unmodified parts will still be licenced under the Allegro licence*."

The *starred* part doesn't make any sense to me. What's it supposed to mean?

Change "We are programmers not lawyers." to "<b><blink>We are programmers, not lawyers.</blink></b>"


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