Re: [AD] Using system mouse cursor

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Peter Wang wrote:
In the first screen of exmouse: Move your mouse to the edge of the window, such that the mouse_x,y values stop changing, e.g. at 319,199. If you keep pushing at the edge of the screen, the mouse mickey values are supposed to keep changing and the mouse cursor remains trapped inside the window.

get_mouse_mickeys isn't supposed to retain the actual mouse position while giving you differences. In Windows, get_mouse_mickeys will only work while your program has focus until hitting the edge of the desktop in windowed modes (fullscreen modes are infinite).. in X, the function works until it leaves the window area. It's a design difference between X and Windows, but in either case neither of them are supposed to move the mouse back to where it was last I knew. The way you do that is with set_mouse_position (or set_mouse_range if you can get the OS to trap the mouse in the window, which I don't believe it does currently).

- Kitty Cat

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