Re: [AD] Using system mouse cursor

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Evert Glebbeek wrote:

On Thursday 26 August 2004 23:35, Peter Wang wrote:
It's a hack for using the mouse for first-person shooter type games, where the mouse is supposed to have an infinite range of movement (according to get_mouse_mickeys). There really isn't a better way to facilitate this behaviour, so you'll just have to resort to the software cursor while the hack is in effect.

Probably... but I actually didn't see any difference in the output of exmouse with or without it. In either case, the mouse position was updated normally and the mickey count reached a high value if I moved the mouse rapidly and falls to 0 if it is idle. Should I be seeing something different?

In the first screen of exmouse: Move your mouse to the edge of the window, such that the mouse_x,y values stop changing, e.g. at 319,199. If you keep pushing at the edge of the screen, the mouse mickey values are supposed to keep changing and the mouse cursor remains trapped inside the window.

(Of course, if you move your mouse fast enough, the cursor *can* escape the window.)

Just to be clear: the problem only occurs with the coloured cursor in exmouse, not with the black and white cursor or in the test program?

Yes, b&w is fine in all programs.


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