Re: [AD] WIP 4.1.15 and CVS freeze

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On Tue, 2004-07-27 at 17:11 -0700, Chris wrote:
> Elias Pschernig wrote:
> > And I'm not sure if e.g. sched_yield is available for OSX.
> I believe it is, because I think I remember working with Angello on a 
> problem he was having with APEG, and had him replace a yield_timeslice 
> call (which was resting) with sched_yield. Also, it ooks like it's been 

Good. Then it should be changed.

> a part of ISO/IEC since 96, and IEEE Std since 93 (POSIX.1b). Doesn't 
> the OSX port do a configure check for it like the other Unix ports 
> (since it is Unix)?

Would make sense. But I don't know.

Elias Pschernig

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