Re: [AD] get_audio_stream_buffer

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Chris wrote:

As nobody else can reproduce the problem, that could probably be compiler optimization bugs.

What happens if you just use plain audio streams? If there isn't a problem with using just them, then the problem is with DUMB/DUMBOGG (BTW, Ben Davis said there might be some problems between the latest DUMB and DUMBOGG.. that could be the problem too)..

A good suggestion. I have tested 'exstream.c' example included in Allegro distributive. After running it for a very long time, this problem shows up here too, so it is not related with DUMB or DUMBOGG. Sympthoms are the same, the sound changes to noise and this demo example stops reacting at keyboard input (it can't be stopped using ESC key as usually).

Once again, I would like anybody who is running Linux try to check if this bug affects him too, or I'm just fighting with the windmills. Just start exstream.c example in the evening, turn off speakers and go to sleep. When you wake up in the morning, turn the speakers on and check if you have the symptoms described above.

I made a quick look at Allegro sources. There is a function oss_update in uoss.c. If I get it right, it is periodically called to feed data to oss to produce sound. Maybe there are some race conditions and if this function is called when my code is inside of get_audio_stream_buffer, something bad can happen? I did not see any thread synchronization code in get_audio_stream_buffer function.

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