Re: [AD] get_audio_stream_buffer

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> Hello,
>  From allegro.txt:
> void *get_audio_stream_buffer(AUDIOSTREAM *stream);
>     ... Note that this function should not be called from
>     a timer handler...
> Why can't this function be called from a timer handler?
> Is it safe to call it from a separate thread?

I don't have Allegro installed here to check against, but I suspect it has to do
with not being able to read from disk in a timer context in DOS. At least I
think that comment was there in Allgro 3.1 already...
Wether or not it can be called from another threat is something I can't say for
sure. Calling from a different thread is the same as calling from a timer, by
the way, since timers are implemented using threads on platforms other than DOS
Allegro is generally not thread-safe, so rule of thumb would be `no', but it may
work if you try it. If you do, will you let us know the result?


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