Re: [AD] New BeOS patch + problem with multi-line strings in config

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Stepan Roh <stepan@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> I like unarj's way, but dat has -e option which extracts with pathnames,
> which is the opposite of unarj. Damn! What about -j?

I had a try at adding it, but doing it properly required changing
too much code and breaking a plugin interface, at least the way I
was doing it.

George Foot <gfoot@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Yes, they should be removed, but I think we are coming close to
> needing a `fixcvs' script which would build the DLL def files,
> build dependencies, and compile these .dat files.

I thought maybe we should distribute the source *.cfg files, and let
the makefiles generate them after compiling `dat'.  The attached
patch is what I have so far.  The non-Unix makefile is untested.  At
least one thing needs fixing: when cross-compiling you need a native
copy of `dat'.  Unfortunately, compiling it isn't as simple as for

tjaden@xxxxxxxxxx -
GRACKLES (GRAK elz), n.  The wrinkles that appear on the body after
staying in water too long.  -- Rich Hall, "Sniglets"

Attachment: datsgen.diff.gz
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