[AD] More DGA 2 stuff

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> I think it is fairly urgent, and I'll bet so do a few others...
> But I'm glad someone has actually got to making a driver so
> quickly... 

Thanks! I've mainly started this driver for three reasons: 
- I'm about to start a new game that will work in 640x480x64K, and without hw
acceleration support this could end up being slow
- Why only Windows Allegro had hardware acceleration? I was tired of this
- I was also tired of Allegro crashing under XFree 4...

So I got excited about the idea of making a new driver by myself. But the
fast development can cost me some exams! Anyway I really hope this won't happen

> I'll tell you, Xfree 4.0.1 is a bit faster on my system
> but mainly because Nvidia has drivers out for it allready.
> (hehehe accelerated screen savers, gotta love'em :)

This pushed me to update also my driver (I have a TNT2) and man you're right!
These NVidia drivers are really cool, as the performances of my XF increased,
and the DGA 2 Allegro driver now supports hw masked blits too! Having these
working made me to discover another small bug that I've already fixed in the
following patch. I've also added a DGA 2 software only driver, that should
always work.

I've changed the old DGA 1 driver name strings to report they're DGA version 1,
just to avoid any possible confusion. I hope Michael Bukin agrees!

What about that menu auto-opening patch I've recently posted? Have someone
tried it out?

Angelo Mottola

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