Re: [AD] DGA acceleration |
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Angelo Mottola <a.mottola@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> But I'd also like some feedback before
> beginning; am I the only one who tried XF 4 failing to run Allegro apps in DGA
> mode?
I tried and only afterwards found that DGA 2 was totally
incompatible with DGA 1. So I switched back to XF86 3.3...
> And another thing: I know XF 3.3.x is still widely used, so the current
> Allegro DGA driver should remain untouched. The new driver I'd like to code
> would need Allegro to autodetect in the "configure" step which driver to
> compile: the one for DGA 1.x or the other for DGA 2.0... Modifying the current
> DGA driver to detect which DGA version is in use at runtime is possible, and it
> would cut off the need of writing a separated driver, but DGA 1.x and 2.0 APIs
> are different AFAIK - and I'm beginning to doubt they're really compatible - so
> I don't know if this is worth the effort after all.
> Now I need more comments and suggestions!