Re: [AD] file selector

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> I vote for a more complex file selector call which allows sorting or not
> to be selectable, with different possible behaviours, which even may be
> supplied by the user programmer (something like what qsort allows: a
> user function which determines sort order).

This sounds pretty nice.  A new standard file selector dialog could be
developed that displays checkboxes and/or radio buttons for the sort.


( ) Show non-hidden files
( ) Show hidden files
    (DOS/Windows: files with hidden attribute)
    (UNIX: files starting with periods)

( ) List directories first
( ) List directories last
( ) Do not sort directories
( ) Do not display directories

( ) Sort alphabetically
( ) Sort by size
( ) Sort by extension then alphabetically
( ) Sort by extension then by size
( ) Sort alphabetically then by number
    ("file0, file1, file2, file8, file9, file10" will be in this order)

Well, I could think of more if I wanted to, like sort by UID and GID,
but that's getting too far-fetched.  For stuff like this it's up to the
application because I can't think of a single game that would care to
sort files by whether or not they have set-gid.

>  Grzegorz Adam Hankiewicz   gradha@xxxxxxxxxx -
>  Other web pages:  -

Andy Goth

unununium@xxxxxxxxxx (andygoth@xxxxxxxxxx)

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