RE: [AD] file selector behavior - call me stupid

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On Wed, 16 Aug 2000, Stepan Roh wrote:
> > My question was actually more: would such a change be accepted :)
> > It's a rather cosmetic one, which would happen to please me, and I
> > bet this is not a argument strong enough for it to go to the wip :)
> I vote for this change (as I described - do not sort dirs and be case
> sensitive on systems others than DOS/Win or everywhere).

I vote for a more complex file selector call which allows sorting or not
to be selectable, with different possible behaviours, which even may be
supplied by the user programmer (something like what qsort allows: a
user function which determines sort order).

 Grzegorz Adam Hankiewicz   gradha@xxxxxxxxxx -
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