[AD] WIP 3.9.32 presumed bug

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Trying to compile and install WIP 3.9.32 on my Linux box, I get this
error during the linking of the demo:
lib/unix/liballeg-3.9.32.so: undefined reference to `__rawmemchr'

Since rgrep tells me that the word 'rawmemchr' is not used anywhere in
the allegro tree, and since __rawmemchr isn't a standard library call,
I'm kinda at a loss here.

I'm running a heavily modified debian 2.1 box, glibc 2.0, XFree86 4.0,

If anybody has any clues to help me compile this, please let me know
at djarb@xxxxxxxxxx (I'm not subscribed to the list)

Thanks :)

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