Re: [AD] About the X-Window version.

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Peter Wang <tjaden@xxxxxxxxxx> writes:

> I think it is being positioned into the middle of the window, and then
> the coordinates are being used as `mickeys'.  If you move your mouse
> violently enough, it might be able to break out of the window.
> Last night I noticed the entire program runs extremely slowly when the
> mouse is being moved (inside the Allegro app), perhaps even the entire
> X server.  Is this how it goes on other computers?

Last patch for X-version (
should make it simpler to leave window with mouse, mouse is not
repositioned, if install_mouse was not called, and performance is
improved, because mouse repositioned only once for every 5 mouse
events received from X-server.

In XwinAllegro X-cursor was not repositioned by default, instead
it tried to move Allegro pointer to the position of X-pointer.  It
does not work in this mode now, because there is no border around
Allegro screen and some positions will be unreacheble with mouse.
I have removed this mode in last patch.

> On a related note: the X version of Allegro pops up a window on
> allegro_init(), rather than during set_gfx_mode().  With manual
> placement of windows, this is quite annoying as the first window that
> appears is usually not of the size specified in set_gfx_mode().

Perhaps, I should destroy old window and create new one on
set_gfx_mode just like in XwinAllegro.  Or just move window after
changing size in set_gfx_mode.

Michael Bukin

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