Re: [AD] Problems with install-info.

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Grzegorz Adam Hankiewicz <gradha@xxxxxxxxxx> writes:

> Changing the makefile seemed the way to go. However, after changing it, I
> got something like:
> [root:32] [/var/tmp/allegro]# make install-gzipped-info
> rm -f makefile.dep
> Generating dependencies for libraries
> ...
> Dependency generation completed!
> Installing Allegro info documentation...
> install-info: too many arguments
> ...
> make: *** [install-info] Error 1
> I will see what is happening with the install-info command tonight, when I
> have time, but is it really necessary to rebuild the dependencies?

Instead of changing makefile, you should try to override install-info
path when you call make:

bash% make INSTALL_INFO_DIR=/usr/sbin/install-info install-info

Or change timestamp of makefile.dep after modifying makefile.

> Especially when you just have made 'make depend;make;make install;make
> install-gzipped-info'? I won't change anything in the sources in that
> sucession of commands, so why rebuilding dependencies?

If you have added something in the makefile, then different files
might be placed in the library or different programs might be built.
But perhaps we should remove automatic generation of dependencies and
only rebuild them on demand.

What does 'install-info --version' says.  Because Debian has its own
incompatible install-info we should test that install-info is correct
one from GNU texinfo package.

Michael Bukin

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