Re: [AD] SVGAlib driver

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On Tue, Nov 16, 1999 at 05:13:55PM +1100, Peter Wang wrote:
> Benjamin Stover <stovertech@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> > > Bug: Pressing either '2' or 'Enter' will cause SVGAlib to exit.  I am
> > > not sure why yet (something to do with signals).
> > 
> > I have this EXACT same problem with the regular SVGALib.  Try it on the
> > regular, and see if it happens with it, too.
> I think the Linux keyboard driver is raising SIGINT and SIGQUIT
> (signals 2 and 3), but when I looked today I couldn't find where it
> was occuring.  Will someone please clue me in?  George?

We raise SIGTERM if you press Ctrl-Alt-Del or Ctrl-Alt-End.

I think though the reason could be that SVGAlib puts the
keyboard into a different mode, causing those keys to send
scancodes to our program that make it terminate.  Maybe we need
to make a SVGAlib keyboard driver too; this is slightly
irritating though because it requires us to switch between them
on the fly as the graphics mode type changes.

Regarding signals and SVGAlib, I was using the SVGAlib driver on
a friend's machine over the weekend, and when a signal occured
the keyboard was left in raw mode (on a machine without magic
SysRq) because of SVGAlib taking over the signals, I think.  We
really need to sort this out somehow.  In theory, after SVGAlib
is installed we want to chain to both SVGAlib's handlers and the
handlers that were installed before we first installed ours.

I think this could all get more complicated, as we use sigaction
for our important signal trapping (e.g. console switching).  On
that note, SVGAlib has its own console switching system built
in, and I think it works in roughly the same way as ours, so it
seems to me that there's a high chance of clashes here.


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