Re: [AD] Info files/dir file/infopath

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>> just type 'info allegro' and get the info file in the viewer, whereas
>> when it's in the allegro docs dir you cannot do that, you'd have to
>> do 'info /home/martijn/libs/allegro/docs/'>
>It doesn't work that way with my copy of info! If I take the Allegro entry
>out of the dir file, "info allegro" dumps me into the top level info
>directory, along with the error: No menu item "allegro" in node "(dir)Top".
Don't you love standards ;-),
well maybe I changed that myself and forgot about it
(something like 'alias info info -f' perhaps?, I'll check it out)

>> most programs I've come across don't bother with the dir file, and leave
>> it up to the user to add enties to that
>I get the impression that maybe this is just because they all couldn't find
>a reliable way to do it, though, rather than because they actually didn't
>want to!
Also I don't think there is a standard way to remove entries at uninstall.

Martijn Versteegh

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