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On Tue, Nov 16, 1999 at 11:17:24AM +0600, Michael Bukin wrote:
> Now for suggestion. I've got an idea about attracting more attention
> to the AUTHORS file (and showing names in big letters :). The idea is
> to make new example program which will read the AUTHORS file and will
> show it in various views: scrolling on the bottom line, scrolling up,
> fading in by pages, flying away, like titles in star wars, etc.
> I'm writing framework now and will post it when its done, so others
> can extend it with new effects. As a bonus, this example might be
> used as a base for making titles in games.
Or, if not a new example, put it in the demo game.
> BTW, I think it is enough just to be listed in the AUTHORS file.
It's nice just to be listed, yes. :)
Other ideas -- where a subsystem has been almost completely
written by somebody, credit that person and note which other
people have fixed bugs and made small changes. If a person has
modified the code a lot, they become as important as the
existing author.
Or you could make a list of authors by module (or modules by
author), based on the information in the comment at the top of
the source file. That requires more of a common format for the
files though.
We could provide a function `allegro_credits' which, when called
repeatedly, returns successive members of a list of strings, so
game authors can pass the credits on to their users. :)
These are just suggestions, though, and not totally serious -- I
appreciate acknowledgement of anything I do but in a selfish way
most things I do are for my own benefit. :)