Re: [translations] recommendations for spell checking

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2013/12/13 Francisco Vila <>
2013/12/13 Federico Bruni <fedelogy@xxxxxxxxx>

> Il 10/dic/2013 16:56 "Francisco Vila" <> ha scritto:

And what about ignoring lilypond code? It is also very cumbersome.

We may add the lilypond syntax to the personal dictionary? Not tested...

--extra-dicts doesn't seem to work as supposed by David.
I'm afraid that you can't check two different languages at the same time and extra-dicts refer to different dictionaries _within the same language_ (e.g.: en_GB, en_CA, en_US):

I tried this command:

$ aspell --mode=texinfo --master=it --extra-dicts=en check common-notation.itely 
Errore: Expected language "it" but got "en".

What I do is repeatedly "skip for this session" a word at a time when it goes into lilypond code blocks, and for large files only newest keywords in each section are highlighted. Eye strain guaranteed.

Ok, so you use "a".
That's handy, but still I don't understand why in Emacs aspell is not set in texinfo mode automatically (or how to set it manually).

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