Re: [translations] recommendations for spell checking

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Le 15/12/2013 13:20, Federico Bruni disait :
2013/12/15 Federico Bruni

Ok, so you use "a".
That's handy, but still I don't understand why in Emacs aspell is not set
in texinfo mode automatically (or how to set it manually).

I meant "A".
I see that this command adds a comment to the file:
@c LocalWords yourWord

"git grep LocalWords" shows some of these comments in the french manuals.

Actually I prefer using 'i' and add the words to the personal dicitonary,
so I won't have to ignore them again in future sessions.
I may share a .aspell-lilypond-doc.pws file if anyone is interested.

It's a mistyping… I've removed those @c LocalWords.

I'll investigate further what can be done with a ~/.aspell.conf file and a filter/extra-dict for lily. Until now, I've not been able to correctly use the texinfo filter (it unfortunately checks what is inside the ignore environment). And what comes after a "@c KEEPLY"
should be checked.


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