Re: [translations] how to handle snippets commit if you don't have push access

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Il 30/01/2012 07:56, Francisco Vila ha scritto:
2012/1/29 Federico Bruni<fedelogy@xxxxxxxxx>:
I'm almost ready to send the patch.
I would do this way:

1) I send a patch containing the new files (.texidoc files included, with
COMMITTISH instead of real committish)

2) You (Francisco) run update-lsr and commit the results

You mean


3) Me or you copy the committish in the new .texidoc files and commit it.
This should be easily done with sed:

cd Documentation/it/texidocs
grep 'COMMITTISH' * # just to check that only the right files are affected

sed sed -i

yes but id-of-the-committish points to a file which could have changed
in the meantime, so the whole process should be very quick or you'll
lose information of those edits.

you are right, I'm working on a different version from yours.
This is my origin (last commit):

so I must run makelsr and then update the committish of texidoc files once I have from you the real committish of makelsr

If you do step 2 and 3 it would be one single patch. Maybe it's better?

'A single patch from you' but 2 more from me. It is impossible to do
steps 2+3 in a single patch because the committish in step 3 is the
commit ID of step 2.

you are right

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