Re: [translations] links to source files in the localization files

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2011/4/5 Federico Bruni <fedelogy@xxxxxxxxx>:
> Sorry, I explain it better.

My fault, I should have read more carefully your _subject_ line which
explains all.

> In Gtranslator I can see (on the right) the source file where each message
> is located.
> If I click on it, an editor (viewer?) pops up and shows the exact line in
> the file where
> the message is located.
> Quick and easy.
> This is not working in lilypond because the files are in different
> directories (python/,
> scripts/, scm/, ....) while the .pot file doesn't specify the path for each
> file.
> So no matter where I put the .po file, it will never be able to find all the
> source files.
> This means that I have to browse the source directories and find the file.
> It's not a big deal, but why not using full paths?
> This is at least my understanding...

You are right. I use kbabel and emacs.  In kbabel I see file names of
source files in a panel at top right after a '#' sign; in emacs I just
see those '#' lines (they are comments) interleaved with strings.
They are bare filenames, not full paths or relative paths.  I don't
know why they do not contain the full path for every file but I am
pretty sure that we could make po-update or gettext tools to force to
do this.

For sure that would multiply the size of the po file by a factor of
two or three, I guess.  Maybe that was the reason why it was made that
way in first place.

Francisco Vila. Badajoz (Spain) ,

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