Re: [translations] italian website PATCH

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2010/6/18 Federico Bruni <fedelogy@xxxxxxxxx>:

>> Basically, it's choosing one off both alternatives marked with
>> <<<<<<<< in your files, then committing the result.
> The CG points to a section of the git-merge manual.
> I'm reading it but I can't understand how can I see these differences marked
> with <<<<<<<<<<<<<
> Hint?

They are in the conflicting file, search for "<<<<" and you'll
probably be directed to it.  Once found, choose one block or another,
as in

           Here are lines that are either unchanged from the common
           ancestor, or cleanly resolved because only one side changed.
           <<<<<<< yours:sample.txt
           Conflict resolution is hard;
           let's go shopping.
           Git makes conflict resolution easy.
           >>>>>>> theirs:sample.txt
           And here is another line that is cleanly resolved or unmodified.

[taken from git merge --help]

Remove the '<<<<<...'  '=====...' and '>>>>>...' lines, and leave only
one of the in between line blocks.

Francisco Vila. Badajoz (Spain) ,

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