Re: [translations] italian website PATCH

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Hi Francisco,

2010/6/18 Francisco Vila <>
2010/6/18 Federico Bruni <fedelogy@xxxxxxxxx>:
> I've commited the changes made two days ago (which hopefully will fix the
> warnings of 'make website').
> Then I run git pull -r
> But I have conflicts (see below).

You'll have to resolve them. Need advice on this? If it's not in the
CG, we can talk about it here.

Basically, it's choosing one off both alternatives marked with
<<<<<<<< in your files, then committing the result.

The CG points to a section of the git-merge manual.
I'm reading it but I can't understand how can I see these differences marked with <<<<<<<<<<<<<
> Also, how can I add the last few changes to the existing patch?

You don't modify existing patches; rather you create new ones.

 git format-patch <from>..<until>

ok, so I'll create a second patch when I have fixed the conflicts of the first one... right?

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