Re: [translations] new Italian Translation: which version of the doc?

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Le mercredi 14 octobre 2009 à 09:57 +0200, Federico Bruni a écrit :
> When I have to upgrade the translation to 2.13, I'll just need some 
> tips about how to see the changes from version to version.

Sure, instructions are in the Contributors' Guide in sections about
Translations, I'll tell you there when time has come for this; however,
I'll first take over the first part of moving and converting the
translation from 2.12 version, because it's so a mess and there are so
few translated languages that it'll be quicker for me to apply homebrew
half-working scripts and text substitutions than explain what to do

> No, I never translated the website.

Phew :-)

> With web branch I meant the documentation of the development version, 
> so the documentation which is being updated.

The branch you mean is called "master".

> As far as I remember, in the git repository the doc branch is the 
> stable documentation, while the web branch (of documentation) is the 
> documentation which is updated accordingly to the new features and 
> settings of each new version.
> Is this correct?

No, source of code, documentation and the new web site are all in the
same branch and thus distributed in the same source tarballs.  Just read
ROADMAP file at top of the source tree of master branch.

> So, if I've understood correctly, there's no need to complete the 
> translation of 2.12 doc.
> I can send you these files for 2.12 doc, then I'll switch to 2.13 as 
> soon as the doc are ready to be translated.
> Right?



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