Re: [tablatures] Baroque lute tablature

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-------- Original-Nachricht --------
> Datum: Tue, 17 Nov 2009 08:07:59 -0500
> Von: Laura Conrad <lconrad@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
> An: "Patrick Schmidt" <>
> CC: tablatures@xxxxxxxxxxx, t.daniels@xxxxxxxxxxx
> Betreff: Re: [tablatures] Baroque lute tablature

> >>>>> "Patrick" == Patrick Schmidt <> writes:
>     Patrick> Not really. I thought we're talking about a (new) tabmode
>     Patrick> entry which allows to enter fret numbers (or letters
>     Patrick> signifying frets) instead of letters signifying
>     Patrick> notenames.
> Yes, we are.
>     Patrick> As I understand it the problem is: How to teach LilyPond
>     Patrick> how to interpret the fret numbers. The second fret on the
>     Patrick> second string could mean a "c sharp" or a "d flat". So
>     Patrick> one way could be to write something like "\accidentals
>     Patrick> cis" in front of each occurrence of "\2 2". 
> But I think in general we should be able to write "\accidentals cis"
> at the beginning of the whole piece, or even in a lot of cases have
> the program know that a key signature of D minor implies "\accidentals
> cis".  
Sounds reasonable.
>     Patrick> It might be even more comfortable to be able to write
>     Patrick> something like "\mode d\major" in front of the first
>     Patrick> occurrence of "\2 2" and all the following cis-notes on
>     Patrick> any string are engraved correctly. When the melody
>     Patrick> modulates back to g-major you would have to change the
>     Patrick> mode again.
> Not really.  If there isn't a C#, having the "\accidentals cis" in
> effect doesn't matter; the only reason you would need to change it
> would be if there were a note you wanted to spell as Db.  
> I'm saying that asking people to do harmonic analysis on a piece is
> asking more than just asking them how to spell the accidentals.  And
> anyone reading the transcription would have to think harder to realize
> that "\mode g \dorian" means that there should be a Bb rather than an
> A# than if it just said "\accidentals bes".  And if someone gets the
> analysis wrong and doesn't notice because the accidentals are spelled
> right, it will be confusing to a subsequent reader.  This happens
> with key signatures all the time -- the fact that the lilypond (or
> ABC) key signature contains information that isn't in the printed
> music is a good thing when the information is correct, but not so good
> when it's wrong.
> It's true that if there's a sudden modulation from C major to Db
> major, and then to G# major, that's typing a lot of accidentals, but
> in real-world tab, I really don't think that happens so often.  I
> don't remember a John Dowland piece that uses both G# and Ab, for
> instance.  Yes, I'm sure you can find a Bach piece that does, but did
> he write it in tablature?
Well Bach probably didn't write his pieces in tablature but there exist a couple of transcriptions of anonymous contemporaries of Bach's works for the baroque lute in (French) tablature.
> -- 
> Laura   (mailto:lconrad@xxxxxxxxxxxx)
> (617) 661-8097	233 Broadway, Cambridge, MA 02139   
> A zen teacher once taught his students, "When drinking tea, just drink
> tea."  Later one of them found him drinking tea and reading the
> newspaper.  When confronted, the teacher replied, "When drinking tea
> and reading the newspaper, just drink tea and read the newspaper."
> Quoted by Michelle Poirot in the New York Times, October 11, 2009

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