Re: [tablatures] Baroque lute tablature

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Trevor Daniels wrote 16 November 2009 11:58

OK, I'll continue.  Next step is set out an implementation

Sorry for hiatus - some other things came up.

I see the implementation proceeding in three phases:

Phase I: Implement lute tab output from notemode input with basic facilities

I suggest these basic facilities:

 Lettered fret indications
 Duration changes
 Bass courses
 Laissez vibrer indication as slur
 Right-hand fingerings
 Left-hand fingerings

The glyphs to be used will be those currently available in LilyPond.

This will require resolving (at least!) these issues:

 How should bass course tunings be specified?
 Baroque lute tab context definitions
 Use markup above/below tab or some other approach?
 How much can be done in Scheme?
 Is a new engraver needed or should an existing one be modified?
 What context and grob properties are required?

Phase II: Implement tabmode input

Issues to be resolved: (much less clear at present)

 Input syntax for tablature
 Syntax for defining accidentals to be used for Staff output
 How/when to convert to notemode
 How this is to be implemented

Phase III: Tidy up and implement additional features

Some to consider:

 Laissez vibrer indication with correct end point
 Improved glyphs
 End of section and end of piece indications
 Double pluck indication (diagonal line between two frets)
 Simultaneous pluck indication (vertical line with decoration)
 Italian style

Comments on this welcome.

At the moment I'm setting up a suitable unix-based development environment. That might take a little while ....


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