Re: [tablatures] Baroque lute tablature

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>>>>> "Patrick" == Patrick Schmidt <> writes:

    Patrick> True, but I rather wanted to propose to implement a
    Patrick> feature which makes it possible to change the tonality
    Patrick> within tabmode without necessarily changing the key
    Patrick> signature. That is to say a command like e.g. "\mode
    Patrick> c\mixolydian" which you can use within a piece to take
    Patrick> care of temporary modulations.

The way I see it, you say something like:

    \key c \major
    \accidentals des, ees, fis

And then when you've looked at the results you may see a Db that you
want to be a C#, so then before that note  you say:

     \accidentals cis

It might actually make more sense to have a tabstaff.accidentals
variable that can be overridden and reverted.

I think putting in key and mode specifications for the crazy Bach
modulations would be hard work, but noticing what accidentals are
misspelled is just a normal form of proofreading. 

Laura   (mailto:lconrad@xxxxxxxxxxxx)
(617) 661-8097	233 Broadway, Cambridge, MA 02139

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Ian Bostridge, quoted in The Boston Globe, April 3, 2009

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