Re: [tablatures] Baroque lute tablature

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Patrick Schmidt wrote Sunday, November 15, 2009 7:25 PM

Von: "Trevor Daniels" <t.daniels@xxxxxxxxxxx>

d) I haven't yet looked into adding the decorations (the comma, the small curve and line under notes) mainly because I'm not sure what
they represent musically.

comma: means appogiatura from above (Pull off, "accent") if it appears to the right of a letter. I believe it can also take the form of ")" or "^"

small curve under notes: means appogiatura from below (Hammer on, Mersenne calls it "accent plaintif")

line *above* notes: means appogiatura from a semitone below ("half-fall")

Ah, thanks!  That makes more sense now.

e) But the big lesson is that transcribing from tab to tab via
notemode is totally impractical.  I and many lutenists do not
know what pitch a particular fingering generates. A tabmode entry
form will be essential.  This has some obvious difficulties,
the main one being the lack of information about how accidentals
should be represented when outputted in a standard staff.  Not
sure what to do about this.

I'm not sure if I understand the problem. Wouldn't it be rather clear how to represent accidentals if users were to add a \key-command in tabmode like \key d \minor and the tuning of the strings (in combination with some LilyPond-definitions for each key of the most probable accidentals that should be outputted in standard staff, e.g. in d minor: c sharp instead of d flat)?

If the key is known a good guess can usually be made,
but not if the key modulates.

OK, I've rambled on long enough.  What I want to know is whether
I should continue with this.

yes, please!

OK, I'll continue.  Next step is set out an implementation


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