Re: [tablatures] slides

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Valentin Villenave wrote:
On Tue, Sep 8, 2009 at 11:11 AM, Federico Bruni<brunology@xxxxxxx> wrote:
find attached an example.

I must include because otherwise the slides in tabstaff
point in the same direction, both for slide into and slide from (if you
comment it out, you'll see what I mean).

As soon as 2.13.4 is released, it won't be necessary anymore. Maybe we can
update it then...

Hm, tricky. Besides, your snippet could be written in a more elgant
way, by using a single command to hide notes *and* fret numbers. And
perhaps you can avoid having a "unHide" command, by using \once. Could
you give it a try?

Hi Valentine,

thanks for your suggestions.
I've come up with this new code (see file attached).

It's my first tweaking, so it might be "naive"..
Anyway, it works :-)

Title= Slide into / Slide from

(does anybody know any better name?)

I'd use "Guitar slides".

Actually, it can be used in any fretted instrument, not only guitar..
Anyway, choose what you think is better..

Description= if you want to draw a slide from a not precise point of the
fretboard to a specific fret,
you must add a grace hidden note before the note which is actually played.

If you want to rewrite your code, I'll wait until it's ready before merging it.


\version "2.12.1"
% since version 2.13.4 you won't need to include
\include ""

%% Hide fret number: useful to draw slide into/from a casual point of
%% the fretboard.
hideFretNumber = { \once \override TabNoteHead #'transparent = ##t 
                 \once \override NoteHead #'transparent = ##t 
                 \once \override Stem #'transparent = ##t

music= \relative c' {
      \grace { \hideFretNumber d8\2 \glissando s2 } g2\2
      \grace { \hideFretNumber g8\2 \glissando s2 } d2 |
      \grace { \hideFretNumber c,8 \glissando s } f4\5^\markup \tiny "Slide into"
      \grace { \hideFretNumber f8 \glissando s } a4\4
      \grace { \hideFretNumber e'8\3 \glissando s } b4\3^\markup \tiny "Slide from"
      \grace { \hideFretNumber b'8 \glissando s2 } g4 |

\score {
    \new Staff {
    \new TabStaff {

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