Re: [tablatures] slides

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On Tue, Sep 8, 2009 at 11:11 AM, Federico Bruni<brunology@xxxxxxx> wrote:
> find attached an example.
> I must include because otherwise the slides in tabstaff
> point in the same direction, both for slide into and slide from (if you
> comment it out, you'll see what I mean).
> As soon as 2.13.4 is released, it won't be necessary anymore. Maybe we can
> update it then...

Hm, tricky. Besides, your snippet could be written in a more elgant
way, by using a single command to hide notes *and* fret numbers. And
perhaps you can avoid having a "unHide" command, by using \once. Could
you give it a try?

> Title= Slide into / Slide from
> (does anybody know any better name?)

I'd use "Guitar slides".

> Description= if you want to draw a slide from a not precise point of the
> fretboard to a specific fret,
> you must add a grace hidden note before the note which is actually played.

If you want to rewrite your code, I'll wait until it's ready before merging it.


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