[tablatures] Re: ***SPAM*** Re: Re: Tablature and midi

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Julian Casadesus wrote:
Grammostola Rosea <rosea.grammostola@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

julian@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
On Mon, 07 Sep 2009 11:23:18 +0200, Grammostola Rosea
<rosea.grammostola@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Grammostola Rosea wrote:

I was wondering, is it possible to hear the new tab features like bends, hammerons etc in the generated midi file? Or is some extra work needed to get this done if it is possible at all?


How about you? Do you have the skills to do this?

Kind regards,

Hi Rosea, how are you ?

Sorry the delay, my modem was broken (i´m on a cyber right now)

MIDI have standard event messages for pitch bends.
these events modifies the pitch of all notes sounding on a channel.

So you can use them for guitar bends, slides, vibrato, tremolo bars, etc..
as we use in tuxguitar.

for a vibrato as example, what we do is to add some MIDI Pitch Bend
messages Up-Down-Up-Down..
every X ticks, so it gives you something like a real vibrato..

but for hammers, and these things there are nothing todo with MIDI.
i, on tuxguitar only made a lower velocity to the hammer note. so in theory it sounds like you didn´t play the note with your right
but.. the real true is that it don´t sound as a real hammer :)

same for dead notes, there is nothing todo with MIDI,  we just add notes
with very lower durations
to try simulate the note is not played at all..

I hope it helps for something..

Thanks Julian,

Maybe you can add some code which you have also for tuxguitar midi to lilypond midi?
Would be nice.



Well tuxguitar is written in java, and lilypond .. i don't know :) (is it in C ? )
So i think it may be better to write new code for lilypond.. following the lilypond development structure and design.

It don't should be hard to do it.. but i need to see the lilypond's source code to make sure..

i'll try to take a look next week if i find free time..
but i'll be very busy because i couldn't work this week because internet problems.
so i can't promise nothing early..

Man, that would be great!

I doesn't have to be ready in a few weeks, so take your time.

Thanks in advance,



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