Re: [frogs] joining the team

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William Bajzek wrote Tuesday, August 10, 2010 3:57 PM

Copied to -frogs, so others can benefit and contribute.

On Aug 8, 2010, at 12:09 PM, Trevor Daniels wrote:

The first step is to work through CG 2.1 and send me a test
patch set.  Anything will do, but we may as start with one of
the web css's.  When you have the source available navigate to
Documentation/css, make a trivial change to lilypond.css
(anything will do for a test - "WB woz 'ere" for example)
save it, and send me a patch set.  When you've done that
successfully we can go on to something more concrete.

I've got it building the docs now, which apparently didn't succeed before. I started it about 12 hours ago and it's STILL compiling. If subsequent runs aren't an order of magnitude faster, this is going to be too impractical for me. I've got a 2GHz Core 2 Duo w/ 4 gigs of RAM, any advice for configuring the VM so it will perform better?

The first run does take several hours when compiling the
docs.  Subsequent runs, having changed a few files, are
much quicker, 10 mins or so.  Compiling just the website
is quicker still, so hang in there.  Fortunately it's not
necessary to compile the complete set of docs often.  When
it is I usually set it off and retire for the night.
How much virtual memory have you given your VM?  I have
a weaker base machine than yours - duo, 1.66GHz, 3Mb RAM, with
a VM running in 740Mb, and find it just about usable in
both systems, although noticeably slower than native mode.

Anything less than 740Mb will page badly.  As you have more
RAM than I have maybe you could spare 1500Mb for the VM.

- William Bajzek


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