Re: [frogs] ready to (re)start

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On Mon, Jan 18, 2010 at 03:43:28PM -0500, Kieren MacMillan wrote:
> 1. How can I determine for sure that it compiled correctly? [./lilypond --version gives "GNU LilyPond 2.13.12"]

That's good enough for me.  Well, that, and running "make doc"
without anything breaking.

Note that this command will probably take between 30 minutes and 3
hours, depending on your computer and whether you add any extra
options.  (which are covered in the CG, so don't ask)

> 2. What do you [Graham] want me to try next?

line 511

It's a difficult task; nobody's dared tackle it in the past six
months.  But I believe in you, man.  You can do it.

Please send a properly-formatted git patch, either by following
the instructions in CG 2, or (preferred) via the lily-git.tcl gui.

- Graham

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