Re: Aw: Re: Re: [chrony-users] How to use Facebook's NTP-service correctly?

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William G. Unruh __| Canadian Institute for|____ Tel: +1(604)822-3273
Physics&Astronomy _|___ Advanced Research _|____ Fax: +1(604)822-5324
UBC, Vancouver,BC _|_ Program in Cosmology |____ unruh@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Canada V6T 1Z1 ____|____ and Gravity ______|_

On Wed, 8 Apr 2020, Lars-Daniel Weber wrote:

Miroslav wrote:
A leap-smearing server suppresses the leap second bits in its
responses, but it could happen if the client knew from other time
sources or tzdata (enabled by leapsectz) that there was a leap second.

So before using a new NTP service, it's needed to do some research.
Or does the NTP (rfc958) have some kind of identification, if it has
leap smearing or what's the primary source?

Yes. That was why Miroslav said it should be the user machine's responsibility
to smear, not the server's. The server should deliver UTC, and UTC has leap
seconds (ie 23:59:58 goes to 00:00:00 or 23:59:59 goes to 25:59:60 and then to
AFAIK there is not standard signal to say "I am smearing the leap second" You
have to know.

iLeap seconds are announced months in advance, and leap second files are
distributed, and many machines use that to know when leap seconds occur.

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