Re: Aw: Re: [chrony-users] How to use Facebook's NTP-service correctly?

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Would not using a smeared source for chrony which has implimented smearing
just result in "double smearing" as chrony expects a step discontinuity and
never gets it?
So before 00:00:00 chrony would speed up the clock iand then discovered that no step arrived at 00:00:00 and find itself 1 sec
out from its source?
On Tue, 7 Apr 2020, Lars-Daniel Weber wrote:

Miroslav wrote:
Each of the names resolves only to a single pair of IPv4 and IPv6
address, so I think they should be specified using the server
directive rather than the pool directive. I guess using iburst is ok
as most public servers are ok with that.

Okay, then I've setup it correctly.

Please note that they have enabled leap smearing, which means they
are incompatible with everything else.

But is this not to be interpreted as an advantage? Since Chrony can do
leap smearing (in contrast to systemd-timesyncd or ntp), this should
be a good combination, right?

Or do you mean, I cannot mix it with other NTP services. Google's time
service also does leap smearing, I think.

BTW, the servers don't seem to be actually running chrony. I think they
use it only internally.

True. But because of the leap smearing, I think it's best to use Chrony.

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